
Stop the War!
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Its the message.

Stop the war,
because the missiles
shooting in the air
I never see you anywhere
stop the killing
otherwise you never see
all the people killing me,

Bloody fountain
coming down the stream
I'm just coming with the
brooding people and me
I have my feet
down to the ground,
stop the war
otherwise I fall to the ground,

Save all the people
under siege
but I won't never,
follow me
I'll take the hard way
you take the easy
we will be united
to stop the war in Iran

with the blowing deserts
and my tong flicking in the world,
the evil snake is approaching like no war,
this, the whispers of the howling wind,
what the bully shoots
stop the war in the desert and
blood black
the bloody fountain shoes
and you know where are going, I know

stop the war

all of the people can trust us

stop the war

wherever you stand

stop the war